To insert retaining walls on the slope proceed as follows:
1. | Define the types in Walls in the Intervention works definition panel, on the right side of the screen. |
2. | After defining one or more walls, in the same panel you will see active the icon related to the insertion of the wall (a wall with the + sign at the left side). |
3. | Go with the mouse in the work area and left click in the insertion point. |
4. | To insert the coordinates you can use the panel in the right side of the screen. Choose Modify (second wall icon) and insert the new coordinates in the table (or simply move the wall on the work area). |
5. | Click Apply button to confirm. |
To delete a wall choose the last of the three wall icons (wall with x sign on the left side) and click on the wall to delete.
To insert anchors proceed as follows:
1. | Define the types in Anchors in the Intervention works definition panel, on the right side of the screen. |
2. | After defining one or more anchors, in the same panel you will see active the icon related to the insertion of the anchor (an anchor with the + sign at the left side). |
3. | Go with the mouse in the work area and left click in the insertion point. |
4. | To insert the coordinates you can use the panel in the right side of the screen. Choose Modify (second anchor icon) and insert the new coordinates in the table (or simply move the anchor on the work area). |
5. | Click Apply button to confirm. |
To delete an anchor choose the last of the three anchor icons (anchor with x sign on the left side) and click on the anchor to delete.
To insert piles proceed as follows:
1. | Define the types in Pilings in the Intervention works definition panel, on the right side of the screen. |
2. | After defining one or more piles, in the same panel you will see active the icon related to the insertion of the piles (a pile with the + sign at the left side). |
3. | Go with the mouse in the work area and left click in the insertion point. |
4. | To insert the coordinates you can use the panel in the right side of the screen. Choose Modify (second pile icon) and insert the new coordinates in the table (or simply move the pile on the work area). |
5. | Click Apply button to confirm. |
To delete a pile choose the last of the three pile icons (pile with x sign on the left side) and click on the pile to delete.
© GeoStru Software