The selection of the command displays a dialog box in which the following data is required:
Nr: Serial number of the piling.
Description: Identification text of the pile chosen by the user.
Length: Insert the length of the pile.
Diameter: Insert the diameter of the pile.
Interaxis: Insert the transverse interaxis between the piles.
Inclination: Insert the inclination angle of the axis of the pile from to the horizontal.
Share strength: Insert the value of the shear strength of the pile section; this parameter is only taken into account if you choose as a stabilization method the shear stress (see next point).
Stabilization method: Choose between the two options proposed the way in which the pile intervenes on the stability of the slope: the method of the shear stress, with which the pile, if intercepted, opposes a resistance equal the shear strength of the section, or the limit load method which considers as resistant strain the horizontal limit load relative to the interaction between the piles and the lateral ground in movement, function of the diameter and of the distance between the piles. For the considerations on the evaluation of the reaction of the soil using the method of Broms please refer to the bibliography.
For the limit load method must be inserted the yield moment (My) of the section
The program will automatically calculate My (yield moment) , for default pile diameters and reinforcements that can be selected from the drop-down menu displayed after pressing Yield moment button. The value of the yield moment is necessary when choosing the method of limit load as a mechanism of resistance of the pile on the stability of the slope. On the limit load is possible to assign a safety factor that will be applied by the software on the calculation of the resistance opposed by the pile to sliding.
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