Computation procedure

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Once initialized a new model through the "New" command, the user can proceed to assign or change the input data.


As an example you can find bellow a sequence of operations that allow to perform a complete analysis of a bulkhead:


1.Add in the Archive section  the geometry of the bulkhead section that you are going to analyze and choose the material
2.Define the reinforcements options
3.Define the structure of the bulkhead which can also be constituted by sections of different type
4.Input ground geometry data
5.Define the soil characteristics and the eventual presence of groundwater
6.Define the characteristics of any struts or anchors
7.Define any loads on the ground and on the structure
8.Set the analysis method (L.E.M. or F.E.M.)
9.In case you have chosen the method F.E.M. define any pressure, reaction modulus and boundary conditions
10. Define the computation combinations for the construction phases that you want to analyze, assign the seismic parameters for seismic combinations, start the analysis of the bulkhead
11. Once the analysis is performed you can view all the results and reinforcements designed (structural analysis results, diagrams, sections carpentry, etc. ..)
12.  Export the computation report using the command "Create report" in the Output menu
13.  Carry out the analysis of global stability and export the results.


Further will be described the windows that allow the user to perform the analysis.




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