Estimate soil category

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In the soil determination phase the software loads automatically the data of the current test. If a stratigraphy was defined in the current test, the software automatically determines: Depth, Description, Correlation Coefficient, Type (cohesive, cohesionless or cohesive -cohesionless) , NSPT.


The automatic loaded data can be altered independently of the data from the current test.


Geotechnical parameters assigned by the user

The geotechnical parameters necessary to the soil classification are calculated using the command.

They can also be assigned by the user and the program determines the soil category.


The soil category can be determined on the base of NSPT, 30 – VS,30, Cu,30 values.


In the "Range subsoil category" table the minimum and maximum values of the geotechnical parameters that determine the soil category can be set.



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