Nr. of blows
In the left pane, enter in sequence the number of blows (site data) relative to the work depth. The program performs the necessary processing automatically, while the definition of the depth of the layers and the choice of the lithology type (cohesive or cohesionless) is left to the user.
Reduction coefficient
The output data is a correction coefficient that takes into account the loss of energy by "twisting of the rods during the driving" this figure is influenced by the No. of blows and the depth, with direct effect on the dynamic failure resistance and any data allowable load (Herminier).
Layer depth
Enter the depth of the layer (homogeneous number of blows) with the mouse or directly in the appropriate box. To insert it with the mouse go on the chart, press the right mouse button and type in the depth of the layer after selecting the "Insert layer" command. The corresponding text box under the chart is updated automatically. It is also possible to delete a layer by selecting it in the existing numerical grid and pressing the "Delete" key on the keyboard, the stratigraphy will be updated at the same time on the graphical model.
Number of blows within the layer. The program evaluates, in function of the depth of the layer, the number of blows - see Statistical analysis.
To update the "N DPM" value within the layer the relative depth must be inserted and confirmed with the Enter key.
Rd (kg/cm2) - Dynamic resistance
Specific dynamic resistance of the equipment calculated according to the known Dutch processing.
Cohesive - Cohesionless
Check the appropriate checkbox if you know the type of soil or check both if unsure (the software will perform calculations for both cases).
Unit weight (t/m3)
Enter the estimated unit weight of the layer (or calculate it automatically with Meyerhof).
To calculate it automatically right click on the "Unit weight" column.
Correlation coefficient with NSPT
Coefficient that relates the number of blows of a test with Nspt. This coefficient is calculated as the ratio of the specific energy per blow and that of the standard penetration test SPT.
Number of blows in the SPT test.
Clay Fraction
Percentage of the fine soil fraction present in the layer
Insert the reference bitmap from the lithological archive on the right side of the screen: select the bitmap and holding pressed the mouse button, go to the box where you want to place it. To assign a color instead just click with the mouse on the cell and is activated the button to display the color palette.
Type the text corresponding to the nomenclature of the lithology.
Set the path for the texture (if present).
Stratigraphy on equipment step
Sets the detailed stratigraphy of the user. The command allows to create a stratigraphy with thicknesses equal to the equipment step. After processing it is possible to obtain for each layer defined by the user, a set of values for the geotechnical parameters calculated at intervals equal to the equipment step. These values can be used by the user to evaluate the distribution law of values in order to calculate the characteristic geotechnical parameter.
When a new test is inserted, data is displayed on a graphical model that shows the identification data of the test, the bar graphic depicting the number of blows at each step, the trend of the tip dynamic resistance, the groundwater table and the lithostratigraphy.
The basic model proposed interacts in the same time with the number of blows entered at each step and the grid in the bottom part of the window, where the management of the stratigraphy is made. Each data entered in the number of blows column is updated on the graphic model, as well as any change performed on the stratigraphy grid is modified on the graphic in the lithostratigraphic column.
The graphical model proposed is manageable from a shortcut menu that is activated with the right mouse button. The options of colors, lines and scale are repeated also in the Preferences menu, item Options.
Round NSPT
Value of Nspt considered as a decimal number or rounded, up or down.
N(1)100 (Er/100=1)
Standardization of energy ratio.
Copy-Paste functions allow you to copy or paste the sequence of data (N° blows) from an Excel spreadsheet to the software Dynamic Probing: they are activated with a right click on the column "Nr. of blows".
How to insert a layer from the keyboard
Type in the table below the chart (bottom right side in the input window) the depth of the layers.
How to insert a layer with the mouse
Right click on the chart, select the "Insert layer" command, click and enter the corresponding elevation of the layer.
Delete a layer
Select an entire row from the stratigraphy table and press "Delete" key from the keyboard.
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