This button opens a window that brings together all the data related to the geotechnical characterization of slope. The geotechnical parameters to be entered must be assigned beginning from the upper layers (see also § Conventions).
Nr.: Number of the layer 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
DB: Soils database with associated geotechnical characteristics.
Unit weight: Unit weight of the layer in specified unit of measurement; in case of a submerged layer, please insert Saturated unit weight.
Saturated unit weight: Saturated unit weight of the layer in specified unit of measurement.
Cohesion: Cohesion of the soil in the specified unit of measurement. In presence of water table, for the analysisi in undrained conditions, the value for the Undrained cohesion must be inserted.
Peak friction angle: Represents the angle of soil strength in degrees; in presence of water table enter the effective parameter. For undrained analysis insert zero.
Residual friction angle: Is the angle of resistance of the soil in degrees when it is already mobilized the landslide; this parameter is necessary in the DEM method for analysis with the redistribution of the stresses.
K modulus (Normal and tangential stiffness) : Winkler modulus of the soil in the specified unit of measurement, parameter required for analysis by the DEM method (Discrete Element Method).
Permeability: Specify whether the layer is permeable or impermeable; in the presence of confined ground water table it must defined permeable the layer in which is located the aquifer and assign the relative piezometric.
Textures: Move to this cell and click with the right mouse button: will be displayed the color palette to choose from and associate with the corresponding layer. Alternatively, you can assign the textures on the right side of the dialog box: choose with a click of the mouse and the while pressing the mouse button, drag it in the cell relative to the layer.
The textures displayed to the right side of the "Geotechnical properties" window are installed separately through the file Texture provided by GeoStru. They are external to the program and can be modified or integrated acting on their installation folder. You can also change them directly from the program by opening an internal editor with a double click on the texture to modify.
If the texture list is empty, install the texture file, or set the correct paths from Preferences.
Description: Move to the cell and write a text; it will appear in the legend of the layers.
Geotechnical parameters to use. Angle of friction
• | peak friction angle: this parameter is recommended for sand and gravel with a high degree of densification (relative density> 70%) or in any case in slopes where the landslide is not mobilized; |
• | residual friction angle: this parameter is recommended for checking slopes in landslide; |
• | critical state friction angle: this parameter can be estimated from the peak friction angle through a relation proposed by Terzaghi and it is advisable for slightly thickened sands and gravels (relative density <20%). |
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